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Digital Retinal Photography

Your eye health in focus. 


Our Retinal photography service is used to document the health of the eye and facilitates in the diagnosis of a wide range of eye conditions such as


  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)

  • Glaucoma  

  • Diabetic Retinopathy.


Photographic documentation helps keep a record of the progression of disease, which influences ongoing management and control and referral.


It is sometimes necessary to dilate your pupils with drops to enhance the view of the retina. Your Optometrist will decide if this is necessary. If needed, it is advisable when having eye drops for retinal photography to arrange for a friend or relative to drive you home as the eye drops can take a few hours to wear off.

macular degeneration

The high powered lenses of the retinal camera focus on the structures of the back of the eye including the optic nerve, macula, retina and blood vessels.


The high quality colour digital images give a detailed picture of the health of the eye and indicate whether any changes have taken place at the back of the eye. The retinal photographs are stored on computer for future comparison and documentation and can be forwarded on to your Ophthalmologist if required. A digital copy for your own records is available on request.

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